About Us:

We love the Gila. We want this place to be treasured, respected and preserved.

Having a well-dispersed trail system coupled with trail information helps preserve our amazing Gila and maintains opportunities for solitude. 

Learn more about the updated Gila trail information we provide.

Unmaintained trails become exponentially more expensive and labor intensive to maintain. Our goal is to preserve the historical trail system before it disappears.

Equestrians and hikers in the Gila region fill out the ranks of the Gila Chapter, Back Country Horsemen of New Mexico, which is part of the national Back Country Horsemen of America. 

Our chapter and our trail partners work to ensure the continued development and maintenance of public recreational trails in southern New Mexico’s national forests and wilderness areas. We use saddle and pack animals to travel to work sites, where we clear brush, logs, and obstacles from trails on public lands. We also pack and deliver equipment for trail crews in the backcountry so crew members don’t need to carry heavy packs as they travel to work. 

Our members love to share knowledge and advice about the uses and needs of equines in the backcountry. And about the plants, animals, terrain, and forest history of the Gila. The Gila chapter, in cooperation with the Forest Service, provides training and certification for members in the use of equipment, first aid, and safety. 

Trail projects help you stay in shape while you travel in America’s first designated wilderness area and the sixth-largest national forest in the United States.

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